Sex Toys

From Fap CEO
Revision as of 07:01, 2 January 2021 by Fnord (talk | contribs)
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Benefit Level Cost Reduction
Max Level 26
Total lvl cost 519550

Cost in the table below is full price with Ascension and the skill Deco-Price-Cut you can reduce the cost up to 25%.

LvL Bonus Prestige Cost
1 -1% 200 Varies
2 -2% 400 250
3 -3% 600 311
4 -4% 800 391
5 -5% 1000 495
6 -6% 1200 632
7 -7% 1400 811
8 -8% 1600 1040
9 -9% 1800 1340
10 -10% 2000 1740
11 -11% 2200 2260
12 -12% 2400 2940
13 -13% 2600 3830
14 -14% 2800 4980
15 -15% 3000 6500
16 -16% 3200 8470
17 -17% 3400 11050
18 -18% 3600 14420
19 -19% 3800 18820
20 -20% 4000 24560
21 -21% 4200 32060
22 -22% 4400 41860
23 -23% 4600 54650
24 -24% 4800 71350
25 -25% 5000 93160
26 MAX LVL -26% 5200 121630