Saya's Private Show/Quiz
In the Saya's Private Show Event after completing the first part of the event, you unlocked a Quiz. While players have argued that a few answers to questions are not right, the correct answers for the event are listed below.
Question | Answer 1 | Answer 2 | Correct |
What's the average number of sex partners for women? | 7 | 4 | 1 |
What's the average number of sex partners for men? | 11 | 7 | 2 |
What percentage of women can orgasm through intercourse alone? | 25% | 75% | 1 |
What percentage of women never orgasm at all? | 10 to 15% | 25 to 30% | 2 |
How many nerve endings does the clitoris have? | 8000 | 3000 | 1 |
How many nerve endings does the head of a penis have? | 4000 | 1000 | 1 |
When does the clitoris stop growing? | Never | 21 | 1 |
There is more than one type of orgasm. | True | False | 1 |
How old is the oldest dildo in the world? | 28000 Years | 10000 Years | 1 |
Statistically, educated, rich women are more likely to have anal sex. | False | True | 2 |
How many women report having an orgasm during anal sex? | 68% | 94% | 2 |
How many women have tried anal sex? | 15% | 40% | 2 |
More men than women enjoy anal sex. | False | True | 2 |
Men have a G-spot. | True | False | 1 |
Where is a guy's G-spot? | In the butt | Tip of penis | 1 |
How many sex positions are in the Kama Sutra? | 64 | 100 | 1 |
When was the Kama Sutra written? | 6th Century | 3rd Century | 2 |
You can seriously injure yourself during sex. | False | True | 2 |
What's the most common sex injury? | Broken Bones | Bites | 2 |
Hickeys can kill you. | False | True | 2 |
What percentage of people have died from sex? | 1% | 0.06% | 2 |
Men can break their penis. | True | False | 1 |
What position is most likely to break a penis? | Woman on Top | Missionary | 1 |
Men can fake orgasms. | False | True | 2 |
How long is the average female orgasm? | 15-20 Sec | 5-10 Sec | 1 |
How long is the average male orgasm? | 10 Sec | 20-25 Sec | 2 |
What's the average number of contractions per female orgasm? | 10 to 15 | 5 to 10 | 1 |
Nipple orgasms are the stuff of fairytales. | True | False | 1 |
What's the best position for the female orgasm? | Woman on Top | Missionary | 1 |
Multiple orgasms for women are a myth. | False | True | 1 |
Men can have multiple orgasms. | True | False | 1 |
What percentage of women have faked orgasms? | 80% | 40% | 1 |
The French call orgasms le petite mort, which means... | Little Death | Good Orgasm | 1 |
Women have stronger orgasms than men. | False | True | 2 |
Single women orgasm more than women in relationships. | False | True | 2 |
What's the most preferred sex position in the US? | 69 | Doggy Style | 2 |
What's the most preferred sex position in the world? | Doggy Style | Missionary | 1 |
Who thinks about sex more? | Equal | Men | 1 |
What's the best time of day to have sex? | Noon | Any Time | 2 |
S&M means... | Symphonical & Metallica | Sadism and Masochism | 2 |
What does the B in BDSM stand for? | Bondage | Ballsack | 1 |
What does the D in BDSM stand for? | Dominance | Discipline | 1 |
What are people called who are aroused by animal costumes? | Nice People | Furries | 2 |
Urolagnia is a sexual fetish for? | Bunnies | Pee | 2 |
What's the average age that women lose their virginity? | 17 | 15 | 1 |
What's the average age that men lose their virginity? | 21 | 17 | 2 |
Women are most easily aroused during... | Ovulation | Menstruation | 1 |
What happens to women's breasts during sex? | They get smaller | They get bigger | 2 |
Evidence of masturbation dates back to... | 1600 | Prehistoric days | 2 |
At what age do men typically start masturbating? | 13 | In Utero | 2 |
How often do most women masturbate? | Once a week | 2 times per day | 1 |
What's mutual masturbation? | Masturbation with a partner | Masturbation in public | 1 |
Blue balls are a myth. | True | False | 2 |
What's the female equivalent to blue balls? | Blue Clit | Blue Vulva | 2 |
How much of the clitoris is external? | 50% | 25% | 2 |
Where is a woman's G-spot? | Front Vaginal Wall | In her Butt | 1 |
What's the only part of the body that exists solely for pleasure? | Penis | Clitoris | 2 |
What's another word for blowjob? | Fellatio | SuckJob | 1 |
How many calories are in a teaspoon of semen? | 25 | 5 | 2 |
In every man, one testicle hangs lower than the other. | False | True | 2 |
Can women get pregnant while on their period? | False | True | 2 |
Only men have sexual fantasies. | False | True | 1 |
The most common sexual fantasy for women is... | Shower Sex | Being Dominated | 2 |
The most common sexual fantasy for men is... | Threesome | Sex with Ex | 1 |
Which country watches the most porn? | US | Japan | 1 |
The most watched porn in the world is... | Lesbian | Milf | 1 |
Women are more sexually fluid than men. | True | False | 1 |
What's the average length of time for intercourse? | 7 To 13 Mins | 15 to 20 mins | 1 |
What percentage of adults have had threesomes? | 8% | 14% | 2 |
Vibrators are addictive. | False | True | 1 |
Annual worldwide sales of sex toys is... | 15$ Billion | 5$ Billion | 1 |
What percentage of women have used sex toys by the time they're 30? | 20% | 50% | 2 |
Which country has the highest vibrator ownership? | US | New Zealand | 2 |
How many women report using vibrators with their partners? | 64% | 81% | 2 |
What's the percentage of people who's had sex at work? | 3% | 12% | 2 |
What's the most common place at work people have had sex? | Boss Office | Storage | 2 |
What's the most common sex fear? | Performance | Body Image | 2 |